One Hour Compo - Round 855 (OHC855)

Votes (3)

Feb 27, 2025 Arcana
  1. lakeside stroll
  2. duck donut dynasty delivers dancing dragons
  3. Riverside Buddies


Mar 05, 2025 TheVideoGamer
  1. Duck Off!
  2. lakeside stroll
  3. Only In My Memories

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is probably the cutest i've made all year really, but that's because the theme was kind of set up for this style. It's around 80 percent atmospheric, with only a bongo loop used as a rhythmical backing. i wasn't going to be rhythmic originally, but i decided to add it to keep it interesting, and to fill a lot of the gaps. At the beginning we are mostly in G Major, but then as we go into the middle, we get a bit spicy-ish with the chords, stacking 5ths to make it quite ethereal. For the most part it sticks to G C and D chords, with little modulation, as i wanted to maximise the cuteness factor. We do get a key change however at the end, when we modulate to A Major for the ending. The track might not be expansive or tell a lot, however the vibe is very cute, and the track is quite soothing. I like this one a lot to be honest, even if you don't get that much. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!

dusthillresident - Cool retro sounds, it doesn't sound like a SNES or a Genesis game, but it feels like it belongs in this area. It is FM synthesis though, but i'm thinking more closer to PC88 sound for some reason, even though i said it wasn't Genesis sounding. Either way, it's quite the catchy tune, lots of great melodies, and nice rhythms, it's that classic Dusthill sound. It's very short though, had to play it a few times to process it, but the sound is nice. Can't tell if it's original or not, research is inconclusive, the way the title was written gave me the impression it was a cover, but i guess not. I do like this one a lot, although there is some fluctations here, and the sound is closer to GEMS style of FM which is sadly not my favourite brand of FM, however it's not enough to detract it from it's awesome ranking so i'll give you this one, well done!

DarkShadow - Already starting with a thick saww bass, that is just rattling my ears. It sounds kind of like a motor, it's weird but very cool. I do think for such an intense bassline, we could be doing some gabber stuff, but instead it's more electro styled beats. The second half is insane. The twists and turns on the synth work is wild, it's got all sorts of filters and phasing going on. I don't mind this isn't a melodic piece, as the synth work is just great. The first half is fine, just a bit on the droney side, mildly annoying to me, but the 2nd half was killer. Hell if it had a stronger drum part, i would give you this one, but it's still good either way. Good job!

Wassup Thunder - Wow this is very short for a Wassup track, at only one entire minute. Not even an intro, straight into this epic final boss, with some thick brass and strings. So thick it sounds like one giant cluster of chords. The drums are getting pounded by the rest of the orchestra, it's so loud and bombastic. Not dissonant, but i do feel spooked in parts. I had to repeat it a few times to get the gist considering it's 1:00 exactly, and whilst the melodies were really great, it was just...too loud and bombastic sorry. And it's not that i dislike it in general, it's the mixing that makes it lacks the potential it could have. Still though, don't be discouraged you made some killer melodies here. Good job!

bjkmenu - And now some mystical funky music, with a mix of Weather Report styled synth noodles, and a sort of Queen-ish rhythm and chord progression. I don't know, it's jazzy as it is swung, i like it a lot. The melodies are not consistent, not that it's a bad thing, it's just more of a random melody loop, than a structured melody. It's quite busy, i couldn't tell which was the melody vs the bassline lol, and the track ends very abruptly. The melodies are just...weird, because the melody sounds like were in C# but the chord progression seems to be in C Minor, it's hard to even wrap my head around it lol. I contemplated this one a lot, because it was just too weird, but yet strangely enticing. In the end, i felt there was more structuring that could be done, because it was very disjointed, so i won't be giving this an awesome ranking, sorry. Still though, don't be discouraged it was extremely unique sounding, good job!

Unknown Pseudoartist - Good luck with your new computer, i really like this beat. It's accompanied by some sweet sound effects, that really make me feel like i'm in the lake. I do love the mallet sounds a lot, it's pretty, as is the strings. This track really takes a while to get going, and for a length of 1:37, it's kind of unfortunate. The melodies presented here are actually beautiful. You absolutely nailed the melody game, it's wonderful. The more sounds you add, the more i feel like i really am immersed in the track, it's such a pretty melody. Maybe this could be expanded to an extra minute to keep it melodically invested, or maybe shorten the intro so there is a lot of space not wasted as such. It doesn't matter either way, the strength of the melodies here are enough for me to place it in the awesome ranking. Well done!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Ooh back to lo-fi DDR, with a killer guitar loop, yet still with the signature DDR techniques, including a sick flute melody, and catchy beat, that tows the line between Trap and RnB. I love me some sick guitar loops, and this is especially one of them, it's super chill and the mix is just lovely. Not too loud, not in your face, it balances the calming nature with a sick groove. It's also exactly what this theme needs, it's such a nice chill journey. I love the warble effect on the guitar, makes it super authentic and real. The track just nails the lo-fi nature so well, i can't say anything else. The track is just so nicely made, i dare say it's even your strongest this year. Wonderful work mate, so wonderful i placed it on the 2nd spot, it was just amazing. Incredible work!

Nukage - Starting off very dark with some borderline industrial synths, i am totally pumped for this. The intro is quite long, it slowly increases the hype factor with the synths, i am thinking where is it gonna go, but when the drop hits, holy hell it's such a change of pace. I thought it was gonna be dubstep, and whilst i wasn't wrong, the vibe is so different for Nukage! It has such a dirty hip-hop edge to the dubs and wubs, holy hell this is insanely good. I abolsutely love the mix on the drums, it hits so hard yet it's not over the top, i was headbanging all the way through. Not what i think off when looking at the images, but man the vibe and mix was wonderful. Extremely hard hitting, and catchy as hell. Definately voting worthy, awesome work!

obScene - Oh wow another exceptionally cute one from you. The last one was 853 and that one was excellent, maybe even surpassing the christmas one you did for perhaps your finest. It was just absolutely beautiful, maybe i'm just a sucker for insanely uplifting melodies who knows haha. This one is just as amazing, although now with dance drums and a more chiptune edge. The piano is still beautiful, but there is a programmed breakbeat, and there is a faint sort of adventerous feel. It's just absolutely beautiful melody wise, and there's so many changes it doesn't feel boring. Long story short, another fantastic obScene entry, and extremely theme fitting. In fact, i didn't even hesitate to put it on the top spot, it was that good. Excellent work!

Misael.K - Quite a dark one from Misael.K to say it's a mellow theme, but i'm ok with that. I'm hearing an andalusian cadence here, which is a Misael signature heh. The drums are lovely as usual, loving the process, and the melody and chords are catchy as usual. The melody is not a loud one, it mostly blends into the background but it's still noticable so it's all good. The pauses before each repetition is a lovely touch, adds a bit more of a realistic feel. The track doesn't have a bassline, but to be fair i don't think it needs it. Whole track is just exceptionally done, i couldn't find any problems here it was just lovely. So lovely i picked it for the third spot, amazing work!

Arcana - Lol the key signaure is smilar to Misael's. Loving the drums here, very synthpop sounding even if a 909 kit is used. It sounds quite calm and pleasent, that is until the vocals and bassline comes in. The dynamics are extremely sudden, and the vocal work is very loud as is the bassline. It completely dominates over the drums, to where everything is getting shoved in your face. The idea is very cool, i love the hyper synthpop thing we have going on, it just needs a lot of refinement in my opinion to make it sound awesome. Don't be discouraged it has a lot of potential, especially so the vocals aren't so much in your face. Lots of fun either way, good job!

Top 3 - obScene, DDRKirby(ISQ), Misael.K

Nukage was a complete banger, also deserves to be on the list.

Awesome - dusthillresident, Unknown Pseudoartist, DDRKirby(ISQ), Nukage, obScene, Misael.K.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Wassup Thunder, BJKMenu, Arcana.

Mar 06, 2025 Misael.K
  1. lakeside stroll
  2. Riverside Buddies
  3. Duck Off!

DDRKirby(ISQ): lovely lofi.

TheVideoGamer: pretty.

obScene: cute!

awesum: DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), dusthillresident, nukage, obScene, TheVideoGamer.
good: Arcana, bjkmenu, Unknown Pseudoartist, Wassup Thunder.