One Hour Compo - Round 854 (OHC854)

Votes (4)

Feb 20, 2025 Dex
  1. Inside
  2. The Quantum Machine
  3. Meistr & Colorado Weeks - Black Monday

Feb 20, 2025 Arcana
  1. The Quantum Machine
  2. Inside
  3. the rooms where computers are

TVG had a really good track as well, I would have picked that as a 4th

Feb 22, 2025 TheVideoGamer
  1. the rooms where computers are
  2. Inside
  3. The Quantum Machine

All comments are replied to on Discord, making this section irrelevent. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is kind of interesting in that it starts of with a flourescent light sound effect sample, something you would likely see in an abandonded setting like in the photo, which is looped, giving the impression it's an experimental piece, but then a gross beat fades in, making it more rhythmical, thus slowly transforming it into a syncopated breakbeat number. a Skull Snaps break, and a bassline kick things into full gear, making it less weird and more naturally funky as such. The break is also fitted with a gross beat, as a quick way to make fills without the need for chopping. The flourescent light sample also comes in ungated at certain moments, as a pause before each hit, yet it's not just to make the song long, but as a way to sort of hype us up into the next section. For the melodies it's kind of cool, as the main chord sequence also has a gross beat on it for some funky swing, and i chose a synth that has a lot of texture to it, to really emphasise the abandonded office aspect. I also added a filtered section kind of like a 303 (But it isn't a 303), and second progression where we modulate in various key's before going back to D#. Lastly we end as we started where everything fades out back to the original light sample from earlier. All in all, it's different but not too different, i really like this one. Oh well, glad you liked it!

DarkShadow - The return of the Sawtooth! This is like your signature sound, there is nobody else that has this signature sawtooth madness like yours. I love the 8-bit arp thing we have going on, it's like a continuation of last week's. There is also some cool pauses here, a nice way to accentuate the groove. Some parts are a little jumpscare, not gonna lie, especially that proto-gabber kick synth, and i did feel too many similarities from last week (If i have to be honest), but the vibe was really cool, there is a lot of sick moments. Good job!

A2Z - It's ok mate, i just appreciate you submitting. This is one hell of a bassline and kick, i feel like in a 90's warehouse playing trance music. The chords are very other worldly, and the mallet sounds are both chill but crispy enough to really make me feel like i'm floating. The main ostinato/melody is a little sharp in this, not gonna lie, could do with it toned down a bit, but the second half was lovely. The delay effects on the arps are wonderful. Honestly the track is actually pretty lovely, it just needs a fair bit of smoothing to make it more clean, less abrasive (Especially for the vibe you're going for). Sometimes a mix can make or break a track, i'm sorry. But you did present me something very catchy, it was great. Good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Not feeling it? Well i guess i'm too nice then, because your entries are far from crap. I love the retro drum machines in this one, not sure what it is exactly, but i'm getting a very strong hint of Casio VM-1 and Rapman. The chords are killer, as usual, and i always get such a knack for your 8-bit melodies. This one feels a bit more disco inspired in some parts though. Now the breakdown was totally a WTF moment for me. I didn't expect you to go Nukage on me and do all these complextro cuts with chiptune noises, it's very cool. The arrangement is topnotch, and the mix is always a delight. I have a hard time critiquing your entries, because you just mix so good. This one was killer, enough for me to place it on the third spot, amazing work!

Nukage - Ok this is not Nukage at all, holy hell this is new from you. It's not even Techno, despite it having a four on the floor kick, but more like IDM maybe, it's so different and weird and textural. The textures on this one are insane, it's kind of like a live experiment, and i love it. Despite all that, there is a faint dark melody in there, that isn't doing much overall, but it does add that spookiness, that kind of makes this track more than it already is. I'm not the kind of person to just expect melodies, so a lot of textural stuff if done well is a delight, and this is an example of such. The buildup wasn't expected really, because i didn't think it was gonna be that kind of track, but when it does drop, it's not a big change, but it's extremely satisfying. The changes in this one are just awesome, i absolutely love this one, this is definately a style you should explore more. It was more than enough for me to place it on the top spot, it was just lovely, incredible work!

Dex - Sweet chords, very hard hitting proto-80's sound. Quite thick chords, they take up a lot of space in the mix, but it does go greatly with the drums and piano work. The bassline is hardly present in this, even though i know there is one from the faint licks that pop in every now and again. The melodies are very pretty, but everything is so upfront and in your face, it feels very compressed. I will give you praise on the strength of the melodies, these are some very catchy melodies, it just needs to be smooth out so it's not so in your face mix wise. After listening a few times, i will give you this, just because you really nailed it with the melodies, and sometimes the composition is what really carries the track. Well done!

Meistr - Sweet arps, also kind of chiptune inspired. The drum work is extremely 80's sounding, i mean the whole track has an 80's feel really. The bassline is very much a toot toot sound lol. The vocal work is amazing, but to be fair, you got colorado on the track. Surprising to be honest, as usually Colorado makes an appearance as a solo entry, but it doesn't matter, the collab works exceptionally well here. The vocals are killer, chords are great. Mix is good too, but as with a alot of things, there is potential for smoothing, and personally i would have gone for a better bassline, however none of this was enough to remove it from the awesome section, so i will give you this one. Well done!

Atmospherium - Nice intro, you kind of also went similar to what i did, with the sound effects. The metal drop was a wtf jumpscare, but man that is one hell of a dirty tone! The track is very deliberately distorted, not just because it's metal, but even the vocal is disorted, the track sounds borderline clipping. The metal vibe though is excellent, i really feel like i'm watching a metal band, the tone is soo good. If i had to critique the vocals, i think the guitar is a bit more forward than the vocals, so sometimes it can be a little hard to tell what you are saying, however that doesn't change how good the guitar work is. This is one killer metal track, i absolutely love it. It was so killer i placed it on the 2nd spot, amazing work!

Arcana - Hey at least you can sing lol, i can't. Loving the synths, i can tell it was detuned a little by maybe 0.5 cents. The track is quite quiet in contrast to the vocals, who are dominating the space. The track has a sick vibe though, i do like the 909 workout here, and the chords are sort of a nice blend of trance and airy electronics, it just needs a lot of smoothing, specifically in the vocals. The backing track is quite high energy, but yet it's very quiet, too quiet even, whilst the vocals are just in your face all the time. Still though, this was a sick idea, with a killer vocal take, just needs a bit of cleaning, it has a lot of potential. Good job!

Top 3 - Nukage, Atmospherium, DDRKirby(ISQ).

Awesome - DDRKirby(ISQ), Nukage, Dex, Meistr, Atmospherium.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, A2Z, Arcana.

Feb 27, 2025 Misael.K
  1. Inside
  2. Expired CPU
  3. The Quantum Machine

Great entries all around! hard to choose only three.

Atmospherium: mind blown. Face melted.

TheVideoGamer: satisfying stuttering.

DDRKirby(ISQ): lovely 9bit.

awesum: A2Z, Atmospherium, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, Meistr, nukage, TheVideoGamer.
good: Arcana.