One Hour Compo - Round 852 (OHC852)
Votes (2)
Sunken City
DDRKirby(ISQ) -
ocean floor or noise floor
nukage -
Remember Still
All comments are replied to on Discord, making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!
TheVideoGamer - I like this one from a melodic standpoint, but it's not great from a mix point of view. That was largely down to a multitude of crashes, that ended up eating a bit of my time (At one point i lost a part of my track. Thankfully not a lot though). This one is basically a downtempo piece. 2 break layers, and a kickdrum all cruising at 90bpm. The breaks are sort of chosen with a mild swing quality, so when looped it doesn't neatly repeat, because i wanted a more lo-fi feel. The drums don't change at all, there's little to no fills, but that's because i didn't have a lot of time. The main chord progression and melody are mostly built around various G chords, on both an Harp and a Choir sound, as well as a soft but funky synth bass, and an array of pads to keep it very airy. I also added a few bell sounds, to keep it in the watery/airy vibe. The track is not well developed personally it can be repetitive, however the melodies are really nice here, i think it has potential to be turned into a banger. Still, the track itself is fine, just not my finest polished work, even for 6 minutes. Oh well, glad you liked it anywho!
DarkShadow - Classic DarkShadow sawtooth sounds. Always intense, like i'm in a rave, even for a theme about underwater temples lol. There is some cool slides here, which isn't super common from you. It is quite the dissonant entry, but not that dissonant as last time. I do think it sort of works for the theme here, it's pretty cool. Not my favourite from you sadly, but it was a lot of fun, there is potential here, for some mild variation. Good job!
Meistr - Sick watery chords and FX, i really feel like i'm on a beach somewhere. I like how soft the sounds are, but yet it works well with the tight pumping house groove. This is a banger, especially with how good the sidechain is this week. It just pumps super hard. I do think some of the high end is a bit much, however the rest is great. The last part was an unexpected tempo shift, it feels like we've gone from house to Donk music almost lol. Even at only 4 chords, there is plenty to keep me invested, there is a lot of pumping going on, it just feels like it's club ready. Still needs smoothing, but i felt like there was enough for me to give it to you. Well done!
DDRKirby(ISQ) - Thick piano and synth chords, man i really feel like you went all out for this theme, because the chords are insanely thick, and futuristic almost. To be fair, these kinds of themes were made for a DDR type beat. Has the right balance of watery yet airy. Love how you slowly introduce us the beat in this one, compared to before where it's mostly straight away. When it does hit, it's very catchy, i really feel the Sega Genesis FM in this one, yet it's not obviously the Yamaha chip. I also just love your arrangements so much, you pack so much for it's runtime, it's quite impressive. Yeah i don't have anything else to say, you nailed this theme, and that is already a reason why i'm putting this on the top spot, it was awesome. Incredible work!
Dex - Rawk vibes, les goo. I love the unique chords you've chosen this week, there's some really old timey harmonies in this track. That bassline is quite synthetic, which i wasn't expecting, but it is mixed with a regular bassline, so it has a sort of best of both worlds approach. Love the breakdown, these chords are short and powerful. There's so many really intense bells in this track, which isn't common for Dex, but i dig it a lot. It's suprisingly really sick! Not sure about the augmented chord at the beginning, but it's definately unique for sure. Listened to it a few times, and whilst yes smoothing could be done, i feel like it's enough for me to give you this one, it's a lovely rock piece. Awesome work!
Nukage - Cool effects on the synths. Man this is not a Nukage piece i was expecting, it sounds so....urban like a UK producer produced this. There is a lot of different changes here in the effects, it's hard to tell what you're doing lol. HOLY FUCK THAT DROP CAME OUT OF NOWHERE, man that is one insane drop. Dude is really going all out on the subs. It feels so slow, yet the drop comes in, and you're all really hyped and ready to party. Man this is so unique for Nukage, despite the dubstep sounds, this is insane. Even the melodic parts feel on theme, regardless of how intense the track is. Absolutely loved this, extremely killer stuff. So killer i chose it for the 2nd spot, it was amazing. Incredible work!
Starla - Praise be, Starla has entered! Featuring some very moody chords, that totally give off a underwater feel. This one is quite cinematic, which i wouldn't never have dreamt from coming from Starla of all places. But people can really subvert your expectations sometimes lol. I love the percussion in this, it feels very natural, even if it might now. I love the additions as you keep listening, it really comes to life at the end. Yes it's short, and i did feel like wanting more, however what was provided was really great. I couldn't see a reason why i shouldn't give you this really. Well done!
Atmospherium - Man it's been forever, i missed your metal bangers, although surprisingly the intro is more EDM sounding, so i don't know what to believe at this point lol. I am reminded of just how well you can sing, especially with the chord choices you've picked. The kick and snare combo, do come across as very weak in this beat, and i don't know if it's intentional or not. I can hear them sure, but it's very quiet, it might as well be none existent. However despite that, you made up for it, with some killer vocal work and chords! The metal ending was wtf. Again this compo can be so unpredictable, i don't know what to get lol. Your voice in this part was just fantastic, you know how to make power vocals man. Wish this part was longer, but honestly it was really sick. Definately giving you this one, in fact i'm putting you on the third spot, it was just soo good. Amazing work!
Misael.K - That is one retro guitar sound, or it could be a synth replicating a guitar, either way it sounds very 70's, Chords are quite unique this week, it has a mixture of uncertaintity, but yet also a strange calmness. I just like how you pick these cool chords i wouldn't have dream of doing. The drums are really tight in this, as is the whistle lead. It's quite short from you, and i can tell it was rushed (No hate to that, just an observation), because you likely had a first idea you didn't liked, and then you kept scrapping ideas. It definately has potential for a lot more, i really felt like another melody/chord change could do wonders here. In terms of mix, it's really great, the overall track is fire, that i will give you this one, even if there's potential for more. Well done!
Arcana - Is that a pad or your vocal? It sounds almost like your vocal, it's hard to tell lol. I love the room reverb here, i feel like were in a small box. The chord progression is really nice here, although i wasn't expecting it to jump out so suddenly, based on the intro. Track is quite short, so i had to repeat it a few times to process it, but what i heard was great. The vocals were great, but could do with a bit of fine tuning, so it matches the key a bit better, but the idea is great. Mix as a whole is pretty great, the vocals in the middle part, was a sudden shift in dynamics, but still mixed really well. I liked the bell ending, that was a cool switch. It just has a lot of potential here, i really dig the vibe, and the mixing is great. Good job!
Top 3 - DDRKirby(ISQ), Nukage, Atmospherium.
I could see myself voting for Dex also.
Awesome - Meistr, DDRKirby(ISQ), Dex, Nukage, Starla, Atmospherium, Misael.K.
Needs Work - DarkShadow, Arcana.
Remember Still
Atmospherium -
Sunken City
DDRKirby(ISQ) -
This Used To Be Civilisation
Atmospherium: great vocals, good verse/chorus contrast.
DDRKirby(ISQ): super lush, great job.
TheVideoGamer: lovely and harmonically interesting.
awesum: Atmospherium, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), nukage, starla, TheVideoGamer.
good: Arcana, Dex, Meistr.