One Hour Compo - Round 834 (OHC834)

Votes (2)

Oct 04, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Orange Ya Glad?
  2. Glad To See You
  3. sparkling juice

All comments are replied to on Discord making this section irrelevant. Onto the voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is basically a breakbeat jam, but with a lot of funky swing added. It's also very much a simple track, with little in terms of noticable section changes. The main chord progression is in F Major, but we have a mild modulation to Bb Major in the B section. The middle part is mostly a breakdown of some mild syncopated synths, and a 303 which serves as the main instrument in this piece, going through all sorts of filteres for it's 6 minute runtime. There is a melody in this, and a sort of twinkly arp, that only happens whenever the chords appear. If there is mostly a bassline or a mild synth embelishment, that's where the 303 is primarily the star. Towards the end i introduce a synthetic Tubular Bell to the party, because i thought, why not lol. All in all, not the most complex, but the 303 is the driving force here, hence the title. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!

obScene - Oh wow this is very cute and uplifting. I absolute love the marimbas and the very vintage piano sound, it feels very much adventerous, like kids show adventerous. Despite the cute sounds, it has a lot of reverb, so it has more of a relaxing edge. I was not expecting this level of cuteness, i absolutely love it. The flute is also a great touch, not too overpowering or in the way. This one is just honestly....excellent it's just really puts me in a good mood. Absolutely lovely stuff, in fact, i went so hard to delegate between you and Misael.K because his entry was also incredible (And one of his best), but i eventually went with you, because i just maybe felt this one a tad bit more. Choosing is hard you know? So this means you are on the top spot, it was outstanding. Incredible work!

DarkShadow - Yep, this is DarkShadow alright. Always about breaking the limiter, as loud as possible. This one was very much a techno forward piece, with a lot of cool synths, and quite buzzy basslines, i like it. It's not the most...tonal listen, and honestly that ending is a bit....much, it's bordering on clipping. Sorry man, but it was a lot of fun, i really liked the NES arps in this, good job!

BJKMenu - I am personally offended lol. This is hilarious, especially since the backing is so innocent and normal. Lots of funky drum patterns, being played in all sorts of ways, in various fills, some really great, kind of positive guitar licks, and a really great mildly electro ending, but with the same drums, making it closer to Electro Punk lol. The lyrics though are the star, although i'll confess vocals could be a bit louder, maybe less muffled too, but i manage to follow them along, and i was laughing a lot. Was also not expecting that random unexpected autotune moment too, like WTF was that haha. All in all, this is getting an awesome rating on the humour alone, it was great. Awesome work!

DDRKiby(ISQ) - This one feels very much beach ready. Lots of really cool downtempo guitars, both electric and acoustic, and a really pretty flute melody. Very chill, with lot of emphasis on being relaxing. It's as beautiful as downtempo piece can be. I love how you made what is essentially bottle tones, into a lovely chordf sequence/melody. Lots of great changes, and the mixing is fire as hell. I mean what else is there to say? It's really hard finding anything to critique in your pieces, because it's always so high quality, and extremely well mixed. This is another one of these lovely pieces, so lovely i placed it 3rd, amazing work!

Nukage - Wait i'm sure i heard this last week? It has the same major arp, and Locrian metal drop? Unless you've done something different that i haven't noticed. I mean the big difference is lyrics, you've actually brought vocals to the party, but i'm not sure if the backing is entirely new or not. Ok listening to the other one, it's definately tuned down a semitone, and there is a longer ending, so i can tell something has been added. There's basically moments i clearly recognise, but moments where i don't, so who knows. All i remember from last time, is that it was a banger, so of course it's the same here. Thick chugged guitars, and a whole host of really cool locrian melodic ideas. I notice the mix is quieter from last time, and maybe mildly EQ'd? Vocal work was awesome as always, especially that ending, your effects always never cease to impress me, i absolutely love it. Even with my comparisons to last week, i still think there is enough to quantify it as a new piece, and the new additions really do make a big difference, so i call it a pluse. All in all i will give you this one, well done!

Meistr - Looks like you guys fell through on you're word, this is some banging hardstyle, almost too banging. Maybe went a little too hard on the master, but i don't mind, as you kind of fufilled the pupose anyways, so this one was minor. Never heard of Bird's Eye Orange Juice, as i'm British, but we do have Birds Eye Fish Fingers, i suppose they're similar lol. I do love how you took a vintage advert, and made the voice into a melody, that's very creative, although i will say, it's kind of mildly jarring to hear singing voices from the crew, and then the advert, i don't know, it feels like it shouldn't mesh well together. The drop though is absolutely killer, the synth work, the sidechain is top notch, i love it. Even with my mild critiques (I sense even more potential here), i still think it was an absolute banger, it was great. I could see myself voting for this, awesome work!

Coloradoweeks - Oh wow great fill, this is one very sick drum groove. I love the snare, is this all live kit? I love the vocal work as always, although i do notice the drums in this are kind of the star in comparison to the rest. When the guitar comes in, it becomes more a fuller mix, so i guess it's not the end of the world lol. The guitar has a kind of grungy tone i love it, and the vocal range is amazing. I don't know what else to say to be honest, lots of sick chord changes and fills, and a really nice sick guitar tone. Definately voting worthy, awesome work!

Misael.K - Those are some cool metalic tines, sounds like FM but probably not. It's quite sustained and played in a very relaxing way, i feel like drifting off in a cloud. The melody is mostly sticking to quarter notes, but honestly that's all you need sometimes, it's pretty. That pause before the drop was honestly lovely. I am in love with that break, the compression on it, it's beautiful, and it goes so well with the break. This is very pretty and uplifting, i feel like i am in some kind of orange cloud it's lovely. The way the pad fades in was also amazing, you are just full of suprises it's kind of sick. The progression in the 2nd half is also lovely, it's happy, but also kind of not, more like a bit of a Mysterious Lydian vibe going on. Wasn't expecting that switch, with a different break. Man you keep giving me stuff, this is just lovely stuff. Honestly, this might be my favourite composition you've done to date, man this is so god damn catchy. If we didn't have obScene as competition this would easily be on the top spot, but i had to delegate so hard between you and obScene, and i eventually went with obScene, effectively making you 2nd. So really it wasn't the right compo for this to be the top spot lol. Still though, it's excellent enough it deserves the 2nd spot, i absolutely loved it. Incredible work!

DJohn - Lo-Fi guitar is the best guitar, this is very pretty already, although not as uplifting as Misael or obScene. I love how you introduce the stereo, it's such great mixing. Singing is excellent as always, and the transition to different sections is just beautiful. Man this one is tough, all of you are making such increadible bangers. This is lovely stuff, with a lot of cool piano and guitar licks. So catchy, if there was a 4th place vote, this would be it, alas i can only chose 3 though. Still though, absolutely beautiful stuff, amazing work!

Treyt - Lol you also went Hardstyle too, it's like it's becoming a common theme. This one is extremely short, and based on the abrupt end, it may have been an incomplete render, but what's presented to me is very nice. I do think the kick is very mild in this, i was hoping it would pack a real punch, especially to withstand these nice melodies. Kind of warm sounding, to say it's hardstyle, you don't often hear that. If you beefed that kick up, who knows this could actually be pretty awesome, but either way it's still a lot of fun, and kind of bold to go for a hard to produce genere. Good job!

Arcana - Lol we kind of have a tail, except made out of drum beats, and not just silence. I wasn't expecting 5 seconds of vocals, but you did say you ran out of time, so that's ok. This is a really great composition, i love the way it starts of slow, and then it goes faster into house tempo. Lots of really great piano melodies, it sounds like were alternating between pentatonic scales here, i love it. I love the honesty in the lyrics, it was funny. If we asses this purely on melodies alone, it's actually beautiful. I love the different chords, and sections, it's fire.. Of course the random drumbeat tail was amusing, it ends at 1 minute, and not 1:38 haha. All in all, i feel like giving you this one, but only because the melodies were fire as hell. That was enough to convince me to rank this one as awesome, it was just great. Well done!

Top 3 - obScene, Misael.K, DDRKirby(ISQ).

These entries were excelent and deserve a place on the list:




DJohn (If there was a 4th place vote, this would be it, i loved it man!)

Awesome - obScene, BJKMenu, DDRKirby(ISQ), Nukage, Meistr, Coloradoweeks, Misael.K, DJohn, Arcana.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Treyt.

Oct 10, 2024 Misael.K
  1. orange slices
  2. do truckers get scurvy?
  3. sparkling juice

Another impossible week, all amazing entries!

awesum: bjkmenu, coloradoweeks, DarkShadow, DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn, Meistr, nukage, obScene, TheVideoGamer.
good: Arcana, Treyt.