One Hour Compo - Round 827 (OHC827)

Votes (5)

Aug 15, 2024 obScene
  1. You escaped... You finally escaped.
  2. Fading Light
  3. Soaring_

I like...I vote. I vote...I like.

Aug 15, 2024 Arcana
  1. Fading Light
  2. You escaped... You finally escaped.
  3. Fingers Trace the Morning Light

approve of these tracks

Aug 19, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. Fading Light
  2. You Can't Stop the Sun From Rising
  3. Hello Again

I wasn’t around compo, and I’m away on a two week break, and OHC isn’t just possible, largely for the time zone change, but also other factors as well. So instead the next day, I decided to do some practicing by making a beat based off the images using my own 1hr 30 timer, and sharing it on the Sharing Off discord channel on  the ThaSauce server, which you can check out. It was fun, and I still managed to get some practicing in. Now let’s move onto the entries!

Apologies if there is more mistakes than normal, I’m not really used to mobile voting. Oh well.

Treyt - Lol this reminds me of a Misael.K type beat. It’s that slow breakbeat semi-jazzy style he’s known for, that somehow makes a presence here. I love the airy synths in this, it feels in some way like I’m floating on a cloud. Lots of cymbal swells here, maybe a little too much lol. The synths are very chill, has that balance of 80s retro with a lot of a modern shine. I do think the bass work should be emphasised a bit, and the drums be toned down a little, but this is only a minor critique, and doesn’t affect the track in any way. This was still fire, and there was more to like than dislike, and that’s why I’m putting this on the awesome ranking. Loved this one, awesome work! 

DarkShadow - All the makings of a classic DarkShadow beat but with a surprisingly 80s synth influence. Also these chords don’t scream DarkShadow to me, it’s actually pretty cool! I’m not a fan of the drum mixing personal, it feels hollow, but you did surprise me with the synths here it’s cool. Good job!

Nukage - Can’t go wrong with a Nuke Metal banger, although this one was a little surprising, as it feels more like there is a fast punk rock influence. Also the chords here are quite futuristic, it reminds me of a spaceship battle I don’t know. The vocal work is amazing as always, although I can tell there is a bit of a rush when it came to mastering (I mean its OHC after all lol), because the drop was abrupt and suddenly louder than the rest. I feel the vocal work is a little on top of the rest, but this gets mitigated by the scream part. I still think this is a little too overblown personally, however I do like the melodies a lot, so much I decided to give you this one. It’s great man, has a lot more potential. Well done!

Wompus King - Man that is one expressive piano! I love your piano works it’s so beautiful and emotional. Especially towards the end, your chords are so pretty. I also love the foley incorporations in this, there is some great sound effects going on, that remind me of bird noises. Towards the end you use these noises to sort of simulate a melody which is great, but with how detuned it is, it makes the track a bit dissonant. Because it’s not really in key, even though it sounds like it wants to be in key. The foley effects were awesome don’t get me wrong, but I feel this would be much better as a solo piano piece, I don’t know. The foley wasn’t really doing it for me, or at least it could be incorporated better. Still though, it was absolutely fire, that piano playing alone is worth the shoutout. Good job!

LillyMeadows - Ooh I’m liking these chords, very moody but also has a slight 90s oldschool vibe to them. The beat is really great, it has a nice punch, that blurs the line between techno and breakbeat. Towards the end we get a pause, before we go into a double time hardcore feel. Straight banging untz. I will say for the speed up I was kind of hoping for something exciting to happen here, but no, it’s just the same chords and that’s about it. Ending was abrupt as hell. I thought there would be a melody or other stuff, but I guess not. Still though the vibe is really good, and the chords are great! Honestly thought about this, and whilst I do think more could be done, I felt there was more to like than dislike. So I’ll give you this one, well done!

Wassup Thunder - Nothing like a good ol’ Wassup Euro track but with a lot more almost uplifting chords and melodies, which isn’t usually the case to be honest. Most of the time it’s epic and dark, but this one was kind of happy. Not like super happy, it still has some minor chords, but in this case it’s a little happier than normal. Either way the melodies are fire and catchy, you know your way around a melody. I personally think isn’t really theme fitting, but you did give me a lot of great melody ideas, and the more I listen the more I like, so I’ll give you this one. Well done!

obScene - obScene’s emotional and cinematic works returns. The piano is calm and happy as everything, and the melody is very pretty, it’s great. The ethnic flute is kind of loud in the context of the track, I felt we could have blended it a bit more, however it’s not loud on my ears, but loud in the sense the flute is primarily the star, at the expense of the rest. The release at the was super nice though, the piano work is incredible, that alone already seals this as an awesome ranking. There was definitely more to like than dislike, So much so, I decided to place you on the third spot, it was great. Amazing work!

TheSocialContract - Reminds me a little of A2Z, I don’t know why. I tend to make comparisons to other OHC artists a lot, so that’s probably why. Loving the synths, kind of moody but not too dark even if in a minor key. Loving the filtered surge, It feels weirdly science fiction like, and the plucks add a nice texture to the sound. I really like how it builds up into a sort of climax, the synths are futuristic sounding, and the melodies were fire. Honestly, there’s nothing else to say, it was great, well done!

Dex - Punk Dex in full swing, chock with sock guitar work, and some seriously amazing chords! Man some of these chords surprised me. It was the last progression I was expecting, but man it just works so well. I love it when you make unique progressions like this, that isn’t too left-field or out of place. Not much else to say, the guitar tone was sick as always, and the melodies were fire as hell. I loved this one, so much I decided to place you 2nd. Amazing work!

Misael.K - Woah this is interesting, it sounds different from you. The vibe is still relatively Misael, but the chords are so strange! It’s more than your average progression, and honestly it’s quite dissonant, I like me some spicy chords, but this is maybe taking it a little too far. The drums are super hard hitting, but maybe a little too upfront, I find the kick drum to be very crispy, and maybe not in a good way, I felt if the drums were blended a bit more, and the chords were a little less dissonant, this could be awesome, however I understand taste is personal, so people might disagree with me. Still thought this was a super fun idea with potential, so don’t be discouraged. Good job!

Arcana - This is quite the quiet waveform and also very short, but it makes up for it with a lovely piano and vocal combo. It doesn’t say much obviously for the length, but the piano chords are super great and cool! There’s super lovely spice to the chords, without it being too dissonant, and the singing is great. Maybe could do with even more tuning to the voice so it fits more clearer, but that’s about it. It’s very short and quiet, but there was more to like than dislike it was great. Well done!

DJohn - Last one of the bunch. The guitar playing and singing is amazing as always, you just know how to sing so well. There is a pause before each chorus which is nice, but I feel it’s a little loose, almost like you are doing it in real time. Results in a bit of a timing issue. But i consider it to be a minor nitpick, everything else was just awesome. Nothing else to say, it’s just a lovely slightly emotional vibe, so good I decided to put you on the top spot, incredible work!

Top 3 - DJohn, Dex, obScene.

I would also potentially vote for Treyt even with my minor critiques.

Awesome - Treyt, Nukage, LilyMeadows, Wassup Thunder, obScene, thesocialcontract, Dex, Arcana, DJohn

Needs Work - wompus_king, DarkShadow, Misael.K.

Aug 22, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Hello Again
  2. Warmth
  3. You Can't Stop the Sun From Rising

Entries that made me feel the light of the sun warming my hand.

awesum: Dex, DJohn, LillyMeadows, nukage, obScene, thesocialcontract, Treyt, wompus_king.
good: Arcana, DarkShadow, Wassup Thunder.